Trip to Feilding

Anna, Egmont, George, and Rainer had a nice trip to Feilding on Saturday (27/5/23) and back on Sunday with PFL and DKF.

Starter pack

Our Starter Pack is available to new, first-time members.

Cost of $1160 (updated 21/10/24) includes:

  • MAC membership and fee for the current membership year*;
  • One year RAANZ membership;
  • One CAA logbook;
  • Five hours flying/ flying lessons**.

*A membership year is from AGM to AGM (currently September). A pro rata discount might be applied for the next membership year, if the Club was joined less than 6 months before the AGM.

**Flying means hire of the Club’s microlight, Tecnam P92E or equivalent, per engine time including an  instructor. Funds are non-refundable, non-transferable; unused hours are valid for 12 months unless the term is extended by committee approval prior to expiry.